How to Donate or Recycle VCR Tapes in Maryland

Recycle your VHS tapes by giving them to charity or giving them a new purpose.

If you've got old VHS tapes lying around collecting dust, put them to good use by recycling or donating them. Many organizations in Maryland appreciate receiving them, or you can use your old VHS tapes in practical settings. Contact organizations individually to find out if they can accept VHS tapes.

Go to Maryland's Department of the Environment website and search for your county. See if VHS tapes, which are typically made of plastic, can be picked up along with other recyclables in your county and if there is a fee. The actual tape itself may need to be removed before placing the case curbside.

Post your tapes on to find out if someone is looking for the titles you have on VHS.

Contact a local school, daycare, church or temple in your area to see if they want some of your titles. Child appropriate VHS tapes may be useful in Sunday school or daycare settings.

Donate your tapes to a local thrift store. Often, they will sell VHS tapes for charity.

Make a scarecrow out of VHS tapes by pulling the tape strip out of the tape case and placing it around seedlings. The tape deters birds and other animals from destroying your young plants.

Writing since 2008, Fiona Miller has taught English in Eastern Europe and also teaches kids in New York schools about the Holocaust. Her work can be found on, ConnectED and various other Web sites. Miller holds a B.A. in French from Chapman University and an M.A. in educational theater from New York University.
