What Are Some Famous Short Love Poems for Your Girlfriend?

Poetry is a a powerful way to show the depth of your feelings to your girlfriend.
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Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to let your girlfriend know just how special you think she is. A love poem is a great way to express your feelings of admiration -- and she will likely be incredibly flattered by this romantic gesture. These famous love poems can be read, recited or written into a card.

1 "A Red, Red Rose" by Robert Burns

In "A Red, Red Rose," the speaker compares the object of his desire to beautiful things (a red rose and a melody) and describes just how strong his love for her is. He says he will love her as long as he's alive, or until the world ends, and that if they ever have to part ways, he'll return -- even if he has to walk 10,000 miles. He calls his "lass" (young lady) "bonnie" and "fair" (beautiful or pretty). The speaker will have strong feelings for his love until the "rocks meet with the sun" -- which is to say, until the world is over, or after they're both gone.

2 "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (Sonnet 43)" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways" explores the many ways you can feel love for someone. The speaker makes the point that her love is so strong that it permeates every aspect of her life, and attempts to draw comparisons to describe its depths. For example, she says "I love thee to the level of everyday's / Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight," meaning she enjoys the little moments they share together. In the modern world, this would translate to hanging out and having pizza, going for a long walk, or chatting on the phone.

3 "Sonnet 29" by William Shakespeare

"Sonnet 29" has a more unique structure. It starts out with the speaker describing how down he feels -- he sees himself as alone and unsuccessful, and wishes he had more money and more to hope for. But then, suddenly, he remembers his "special someone" and his mood begins to brighten ("Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising / Haply I think on thee"). The mere thought of her makes him feel more optimistic, like a bird that rises up and sings to the heavens. He concludes that his love makes him feel incredibly lucky, and that he would never trade places with anyone, even for more wealth and power.

4 "Touched by an Angel" by Maya Angelou

"Touched by Angel" uses rich imagery to describe the power of love. The speaker notes that while love has its highs and lows, it's all worth it ("Love arrives / And in its train come ecstasies / old memories of pleasure / ancient histories of pain"). She says that love is a definite risk -- "Love costs all we are and will ever be." The speaker ends by saying that love is worth it, though, because it's the only thing that can truly make us feel free and alive.

Jaime Budzienski has contributed essays and articles to the "Boston Globe Sunday Magazine," "Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine" and the "Boston Parents Paper." She holds a B.F.A. in writing, literature and publishing from Emerson College and a master's degree in education from UMASS Boston.
