ClarityNet offers online safety training for businesses, school and law enforcement. The company has more than 1,800 Web courses and is an approved training provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Safety Training

The range of safety training ClarityNet offers covers many jobs. The company has training modules from hazardous energy to maritime safety to ergonomics. Some examples of the modules are Back Safety: Lift Well, Live Well; Blood Borne Pathogens for Law Enforcement; and Industrial First Aid.

Computer Recommendations

To access ClarityNet online safety training, the computer in use must meet certain specifications. ClarityNet recommends that the computer have an Intel Pentium III Processor and 128MB of RAM. The computer should have a minimum of Windows 2000, Microsoft Explorer 6 and a Flash Player 8.


Safety training is taken online through a website address customized for the company. Employees are given a unique log-in and password to access the training. Once they have completed the training, a short exam is given about the content of the training module. If passed, the completion certification can be printed from their computer.


Company administrators have access to employees test results and who has, or has not, completed safety training.

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