How to Cite a Product With APA

Writers in the behavioral and social sciences represent many fields, such as psychology, sociology and anthropology. They use a wide range of sources. For example, studies on consumer motivations might reference specific products. The sixth edition of the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" does not formally address products, so use citation methods consistent with the manual. If you simply mention a product in text, you do not need a citation. However, when you use information you learned from a product's label, instructions or a manual, you must cite that material.

In-text Citation

After you mention information about a product in text, include a citation within parentheses. Insert the name of the document, a comma and the year;

for instance: (Best Oven Instructional Booklet, 2013). If you use the name of the document in text, omit it from the parentheses.

References Page

Include an-text citation on the References page, as well. Begin with the name of the document and a period. Put the document's date in parentheses. Add a period. List the italicized name of the product in sentence case with a period. Next put the name of the company, a comma and the city and state of production. Add a period. Conclude with the location of the product, if known. If you have possession of it, state "Copy in possession of author" without quotation marks. Finish with a period;

for example: Best Oven Instructional Booklet. (2013). Best gas oven. Best Company Inc., New York, NY. Copy in possession of author.

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