Havelock's theory of change can be used in nursing for planned change projects. It is based on Kurt Lewin's theory of change and has six steps. The steps are building a relationship, diagnosing the problem, gathering resources, choosing the solution, gaining acceptance and self renewal. Use the process to identify areas that require change and successfully progress the hospital or patient toward the needed change.

Build a relationship with the client. To effect change in an environment like a hospital, the change agent who could be a nurse leader, nursing student or staff nurse has to become familiar with the environment and study it for signs and symptoms that suggest a need for change. Awareness of the problem and the need for change is then made known.

Diagnose the problem. This is the second stage in Havelocks theory of change. Here, the nurse studies the signs and symptoms she has observed in order to pinpoint what the problem is. She then puts a name to the problem.

Acquire the relevant resources. In the third stage of this theory, the nurse consults with others to come up with a solution for the problem. Several solutions may be proposed. For each proposal, the nurse has to make sure they have all the necessary resources needed to bring the plan to fruition.

Pick a solution. In this stage of Havelocks theory of change, the nurse and her team pick the right solution for the change project that they want to implement. Then the plan is put into action.

Monitor progress of the plan. The nurse bringing about change must check to see that other nurses and staff are incorporating the change being implemented into their professional duties and not discarding it. This can be done by interviewing the nurses, having meetings with them or using questionnaires.

Stabilize the change. This is the final step in Havelocks theory of change where the planned change is made permanent in an establishment as a rule or policy.

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