In the 21st century, learning for adults has increasingly become important. The massive psychological, social and political changes transforming the structure and nature of most institutions have rendered outdated the idea that people can learn adequately only in their youth. Changes in the political, economic and social systems have made it important for adults to advance their education levels. The purpose of adult educational programs is to help adults to probe, identify and change assumptions, beliefs and values that shape how they learn, act, think and meet their needs.

Improve Work Performance

Adult programs help improve work performance as stated by Federal Adult Education Programs For the 21st Century. At their workplaces, adults learn through both informal and structured formats. Seminars and conferences are examples of structured formats of training. Through these sessions, the employees learn and improve their knowledge of how to work according to the management team's specifications. Seminars and conferences provide adults with additional and advanced training in different fields to perform better within their work places.

Improve Family Life

According to Adult and Professional Education, these programs help improve the family life of adults, who adapt to new situations by default but sometimes need guidance on how to adapt to the situations. For example, adults can get better employment by increasing their level of education. This may improve their financial status, which in turn improves their family lives. The programs help adults develop and shape their family lives.

Improve Personal Lives

Adults take education programs to improve their personal lives as stated by Government Policy on Adult Education and Continuing Education and Training. Challenges that people face may require education and guidance. For example, immigrants can take English classes to communicate and better understand their surroundings. People can advance their education to get salary raises or promotions at their workplaces. In these instances, education programs for adults serve as devices of change and social action.

Teach About Culture

According to Adult and Professional Education, adults learn from those around them. Recreational activities, media, faith, popular culture and friends create the desire for broadening adults' view of education. Adult educational programs help them learn about culture. These programs engage students in theoretical thinking as they determine the sources of their beliefs, look for similarities and contradictions, and determine the personal beliefs they want to change.

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